Tish Cyrus found out the hard way that quitting weed after a decade of heavy use wasn’t the best move.
Speaking with her daughter Brandi on their podcast Sorry We’re Cyrus, Tish, who’s also mom to stars Miley and Noah Cyrus, shared what happened when she suddenly stopped smoking pot. After going seven months without it, the 57-year-old’s been struggling with severe anxiety.
“It was kind of by accident that I stopped smoking,” Tish explained early in the episode. “I went on vacation, and it was somewhere I couldn’t have pot, and, like, three days in, [I] had the worst anxiety I’ve ever had in my life. And when I tried to smoke again… Nope.”
When Cheat Codes gave props to Tish for being smoke-free for seven months, she had to set the record straight about her “so much anxiety.” These days, if she tries smoking, her anxiety just gets “even worse,” and she’s “so afraid” to pick it up again.
“I smoked pretty hardcore for like, 10 years,” she shared.
Later in the chat, Tish opened up about how rough the last seven months have been. “Like, major anxiety,” she said. “It really did just help me in so many ways. And lately I just have not been OK.”
Back in 2021, Tish told Daily Pop that she started smoking in her forties after a scary incident where Miley’s tour bus caught fire on their way to New Orleans. She’d tried Ambien before but “hated” how it made her feel.
“That’s actually how I started smoking,” she explained to the show. “Miley said, ‘Mom, why are you putting a chemical in your body that makes you feel so bad the next day?'”
The podcast actually kicked off in 2020 as Sorry We’re Stoned, but Tish and Brandi changed the name this past October since Tish had been off weed for five months.